I'm back!!
New York was great although so different from here.........
I had been before but was on a school trip so this was better getting to do whatever came up...
Us in Times Square at night

I guess I should say who all went....Sonja (my mom-in-law) Gamamma (Tyler's grandmother) and Josie (Tyler's cousin)
This is me in the Edison Hotel, we were a block from Times Square

Meet the Elvis M&M or maybe he is meant to be Michael Jackson, anyway the M&M store is HUGE!!! 5 stories of nothing but M&M stuff. In fact just about everything in NYC is way overdone. Stores are awesome though, you would never know there was little land underneath this city once inside the stores.

So as I said we were staying right outside of Times Square so we walked a lot.....
Josie took this pic of us and I thought it was cool, I had no idea she was taking it.

We did take a cab twice and man thats an experience! I could never drive in that city, they have no sense of lanes or patience. I get motion sickness easy, NOT that I throw up, I just get headaches and if really bad, some nausea, well one taxi trip was giving me some nausea. They are worse than roller coasters!! But just like them in that they are fun and exhilirating. Sonja and I kept deciding whether I needed to move so that I could see better (I need to see where I am going to
try and balance myself). We were planning on moving at the next red light that came up and so when we said to the driver what we were doing, he immediately pulled over and let us change. We kept saying "oh she isn't going to throw up in your car, she just needs to be able to see out the window better", but he didn't want to take any chances...it was pretty funny...I was grateful, though.
We did lots of shopping, site seeing and saw some craziness.....
I hope someone gave her some money...she was brave if anything to get out in that outfit, the singing was not good either, but the worst part was the view from the front.....she is a lit-tle saggy to say the least.
You can't go to New York without going to a Broadway show......we went to Mary Poppins, fun fun!

In case you ever wondered how to spell.....

We decided to walk to the Empire State building after the show, and it was the best idea yet....the lights were beautiful at night

It was a little windy.........I just liked the lights in the background of this pic

Rockefeller Plaza

F.A.O. Schwartz and the famous piano that Tom Hanks danced on

In Central Park, we ate at a very dainty place called Tavern on the Green....we had dessert for lunch......

After "lunch", we took a tour via a horse and buggy.......

We also went to the Statue of Liberty and some really pretty churches, we ate some good cheesecake, too!!
So I really enjoyed the trip and all the girl bonding, but I did miss my boys. I got little info about all that went on at home. I had heard from my sis n' law about Garyn falling, Tyler had told me nothing about it, so I asked him. I got the "Oh yeah, he fell on the sidewalk, but he's fine". I came home late on Monday night, after Garyn was in bed, when I woke, Tyler was gone and I found this.........

I was a little taken back.....
So I guess he did some
skin racing like one of his buddies....
He has a scraped finger and toe,too, and I was told after further questioning, he didn't cry much but the bump on his head was a "goose egg" bump. We went to Amigos last night and one of the waiters, who knows us because of our frequent flier miles at amigos, saw him the day it happened. He said it looked better and knew once he saw him that night that I must have been out of town! I think that was a blow towards Tyler......
I took this pic while he was napping because he wouldn't stay still otherwise.
He has been pretty attached to me and I to him. We are starting time outs and spankings though. He is kicking and screaming a lot when he doesn't get his way.......I guess its a sign of the terrible twos...I am staying strong as much as possible and making him mind. He is hilarious though! He knows what I am saying when I threaten sitting in the time out chair or getting a spanking. His demeanor typically changes..... he ducks his head, bats his lonnng eye lashes, and acts like a little angel, as if I couldn't possibly be talking to him. Other times though, he keeps kicking and screaming.........those are when we get a spank and/or timeout depending on the severity. I thought it would be harder when people told me about time outs, but he usually sits and seems to know he is in trouble. Spankings, surprisingly, don't always phase him, sometimes but not always. So we'll see..........