I haven't been blogging as much lately. I thought I would update a little through some pictures of what all we've been doing the last couple weeks...
We have been swimming some these last couple weeks. Garyn is enjoying it and is able to stay afloat with just his arm floaties, instead of the whole garb he had to wear
last year. These pics are when Lakelin stayed with us after the Memorial day gathering and we went out to my dad's pool. We have also been to a neighborhood pool that Tyler's mom got us a membership to. I am pretty excited about it. It's Stuart Height's pool, only 5 mins from our house and they give swim lessons to members.
I have also been working a lot lately. I just finished 3 nights. During the summer, I try to sign up for some extra nights. I always wonder why I do it though, because its hard to work 3 nights and Tyler is still busy during the day. Nana and Poppa like to keep Garyn more in the summer, but it doesn't always work out for them to. However, we are trying to save up money for our trips, as you know. More importantly, I am going down to just working 3 days every two weeks this fall! I am currently doing 4 days a pay period ( twice a week) so it is going to be so nice to have that one less day every other week. I'll explain why in a minute...
This picture is from last week when our pastor's wife, Heather, had her baby. Garyn and their oldest Carson were born 40 mins apart and had their first baths together. Heather and I have been friends since and I had the privilege of giving their second his first bath!
After working all those nights, I came home to this today just waiting for me to attend to......
There was another one on the floor, too. But I am not complaining one bit, because at least they are clean and not dirty all over the floor.
My sweet hubby has been helping out a lot with such things, I even came home one morning and he had clipped my coupons! They were even divided up into piles of like products. He knows what grabs my heart!
Speaking of my sweetie, here are some pics from our anniversary day
We went down to Ocoee to go White Water rafting. We used to love doing that sort of stuff, but now with Garyn its harder. I arranged for Nana and Poppa to watch Garyn while we went. I didn't tell Tyler, until the night, before what we were doing. This is us in the car waiting because I wanted to leave 2 hours before our scheduled time. Ocoee is only 40-45 minutes away if you didn't know. We had time to enjoy each other, though, I tried to convince him I planned it that way.

Here we are in our rafting attire! We look pretty goofy. We enjoyed the trip, Tyler voluntarily jumped in once and involuntarily fell out another time. I was holding on for dear life because I really didn't want to get in involuntarily. Actually, it scares me a little, especially now with Garyn. I felt really safe with the guide and such but those waters are powerful and rocks are everywhere! When Tyler fell out, he fell backwards head first with his legs and feet still in the raft. He tried to pull himself back up but then let go and went under the raft! The guide grabbed his life jacket but couldn't get him out from under so he let go. Tyler popped up quickly, BUT boy was I freaking out a little on the inside! The guide was very cool and nonchalant about it so I guess it happens all the time. The whole event lasted maybe 1 minute, that was 1 minute more than I could stand, though! I was pretty close to screaming "Help him!" or something similar! Whew, definitely an adrenaline rush! lol! Tyler said he was a little worried at one point, too.
Here we are after, on the bus ride back. You can tell that even though I did not go into the water, I was drenched!
The rest of the day was spent consuming way too much food and donuts (it was National Donut day which equaled free donuts!) We also got to see a movie, Prince of Persia, which was unplanned and good.
That same weekend, I got to go to Goodwill half off day and yard sales. I have been finding some good toys for Garyn. I got both this Woody and Buzz for him at yard sales. He is getting into Toy Story. I think that is what we will be doing for his birthday. I also can't wait to take him next weekend to see the new movie.
Isn't he such a cutie?
Garyn has been doing awesome with potty training. He has been getting to play lots of Wii games which means he has been pooping in the potty a lot! We still have some issues when we are out and about but I am not complaining! He has gotten pretty good at playing Wii and can do more games now. This is him playing swords, that's his favorite.
Tyler is taking 2 classes right now and will be finishing up his masters by August. He is having to work really hard on these classes because one is supposed to be done after the other but he got approved to do them together. They are his research paper classes so the different chapters of his paper are due at the same time. Thankfully, his mom helps him a lot! I have no interest to write a paper or do research. Nursing school did me in!
Tyler also is busy with football and now baseball! The head baseball coach is leaving and the previous assistant is now the head coach. That opened up the assistant spot. Tyler had been thinking about coaching baseball for awhile so this was the perfect opportunity. Graduating with his masters and getting an extra supplement check is the reason I get to work less in the fall. I am happy for him to do baseball for that reason!!
Well, that's what going on in this "Richest Life" for us