Saturday, July 28, 2012

5 years and 15 months

Tuesday my oldest turned five. 5! I still can't believe I have a son that age. Everyone says those words, and I m sure I'll continue to say it the rest of my life.

I guess the fact that he is school age is what makes it more daunting. However, he will not be going to Kindergarten this year. Tyler and I decided before he was born that being a boy with a late summer birthday, he wouldn't start till he turns six. Over the last couple years, we have questioned that though, especially since he is more than ready academically. He is reading, counting to 100, and can write fairly well. I tried hard not to brag too much when at the doctor Thursday for his 5 year checkup. But when he asked if he could recognize his letters, I just had to snicker a little and say, "Yes, he can read, too." Then he asked how high he could count and looked a little shocked when I said 100. Even still, we are sticking to the fact that he will mature better this next year and throughout his school years being the older of the class and not the youngest.
{The two of them playing swords}

The day after he turned five; Anlsey became fifteen months old. I haven't done an update on her since her 1 year birthday and she has changed a lot since then. She is still as spunky as ever and even more demanding. I could just eat her up, though; she is so cute!

Ansley had her appointment on Thursday along with Garyn. I like when we can group them together like that. Ansley has grown in height but not weight. She is 32 inches which is the 90th percentile for her age. Her weight however is only in the 25th percentile at 19 lbs 4 oz. The doctor was not at all worried, though. Just said it was in her genes to be tall and skinny. He thinks she'll be at least 5' 8". Garyn weighed in at 50 lbs 6 oz which is in the 95th percentile and is 3' 11" tall which is in 97th percentile. Doctor thinks he will be 6'2" and 210 lbs. I just can't even fathom that right now! But that is about just like my brother. My nephew was there and I was telling him about my brother, niece and him being tall. Guess that's where they get it from. He keeps asking if Tyler is tall , like every appointment, and I keep saying no just average! At 5'6" to 5'7", I am not tall either so its going to be interesting to see if the doctors estimate is right.

Back to Ansley's weight....She is so active and eats a lot but its all junk food! The girl is picky about what table food she will eat. Grilled chicken, sandwich meat and spaghetti is about the only meats she will pick up to eat. Even still, she eat 2-3 bites and then demands the carbs or sweet part of the meal. She won't eat any veggies off her plate. Mashed potatoes, bread, cheese, cheerios, waffles, yogurt, watermelon, chips, and fries are most of her favorites. Oh and we can't forget the chocolate and ice cream! She also demands to drink whatever we are drinking! Like she will have her cup and push it off her high chair. When at a restaurant, she just climbs on the table to get to our drinks. Its sad but she drinks sweet tea, a lot! Dr. Pepper is another common thing for her. I promise I try to resist giving it to her. I have started getting water a lot more. But she still sees Garyn or Tyler's drink and pitches a royal fit if we don't give her a drink. DEMANDING I TELL YOU! We have resorted to hiding the cups behind the napkins or something. The things we do!
{She found some chocolate in this bucket!}

Fortunately, she still eats baby food well. I give her a jar at every meal to try to get veggies and meat in her. She will eat them in the 2nd foods just fine. I am hopeful that if I keep giving her the veggies on her plate she'll eventually start eating them. I think its a texture issue really. She still doesn't like the 3rd foods for babies that are chunkier. Milk wise- she will drink her whole milk well in the morning and at snacks. Not sure she is getting as much as she should but she at least likes it! We are still nursing about every other day in the early morning. If she wakes up anytime before 7, I get her back to sleep by feeding her. Some mornings she doesn't wake up and therefore we skip that day. I keep thinking we might be done but then when I try to rock her in the early am she wants to again. I have mixed feelings about letting go myself so I give in. :)

Other changes in Ansley......
She started taking only one nap about a month ago. Some days she will sleep over 2 hours but here lately its been about an hour and a half. She goes down super easy. All she needs is her paci and blanket with the humidifier on. She will even transition from the car if she happens to fall asleep there. Night time is about the same. When we first gave up her night feeding it was a little rough but now she goes down about 9. We read a book and say a prayer. She has gotten into looking at her books, pointing at the pictures and gibber-jabbering about them.
{She climbs into everything!}

She likes her animal books the best. Brown Bear, Brown Bear in particular which was one of Garyn's favorites, too. She says dog, kitty and will bark for the dog. She is also saying book, boat, tank you (thank you), E-i-e-i-o, oww (like ouch), chee (cheese), shew (shoe), Pop, no-no, ba be (baby), moaw (mine) and step. She also has switched to calling us mommy and daddy. And she really enunciates the "ee" at the end. Garyn still calls me "momma" so not sure were she got this from. It was like she spent a week singing "mom" sounds every time she wanted me then once she quit she was saying mommy instead. Of course, she still says bye and hey, more like "ey", and uh-oh. Everyone that takes care of her gets called mommy most of the time, even Tyler. And sometimes everybody gets called daddy. One day while in the store, she pointed to Paul McCartney on a magazine saying daddy. Tyler thinks I am hiding something. Lol.

Climbing on the table and chairs is still her favorite thing to do. She can also climb on the beds and get off on her own. She doesn't have much fear.

She still loves her paci and gets it frequently when unhappy. More like when we want give her what she wants! She and Garyn have started fighting a little. She will yank a toy from him and run off so then he yanks it back. I am still trying to decide how to handle that....can't say I blame him. Which reminds me, she doesn't respond to the little spankings much. She usually laughs or spanks me or herself saying "no, no!" I try hard not to laugh! So I am about to have to start figuring out how to keep from giving her everything she wants to avoid her pitching a fit. You noticed that she is saying mine, sounds more like a cat meow but she points at what she wants and screams it.

She has 5 teeth now. Her hair has gotten a lot longer and a little wild some days! I have started putting it in a little pony tail to get it out of her eyes. Her height is the only reason she is in 12-18 mo clothing. She does still wear some 9-12 mo. depending on what it is. I think she looks a lot like her dad right now. I still see myself sometimes though.

Well. there is my update on Ansley and a little on Garyn. I will post more with his birthday party on him.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Days of Summer: June

We love summer days because Tyler is at home more. He isn't at home all the time like most people assume of teachers. Being a football coach is the major part of it. He has weightlifting and meetings during June then in July starts the practice and scrimmages. Then on top of that he is the technology coordinator for his school so he has to keep up with all the new equipment; set up computer labs; fix problems with equipment and during the school year he helps teachers to use the equipment in their classroom. So he is at school everyday usually for awhile doing one of those things.

But we still enjoy our extra time with him! We have had several picnics and play dates. One of our favorites is going to the sand area at Chester Frost Park. We like to call it the Chattanooga "beach". We have been twice with our friends Arlene, Brayden and McKenzie.
{What Cuties!}

{They like to scavenger through the rocks}

{Lots of sand play}

{The boys prefer the water}

{Aren't these two handsome?}

Thats the great thing about the "beach", there are several things to do. The playground is right there when the sand and water don't occupy them.

We also have been enjoying the pool a lot. Garyn has been doing well with his floaties on.

 I need him to be independent now that Ansley wants to be independent herself and run around the pool away from me. She only sits in this float for oh..maybe....5 minutes!

{Sunday School pool party}

{Garyn has been swimming with Uncle Philip a couple times}

{Then we have also been out to my dads}

{She wants to go up and down the steps all the time!}

{She's just started saying "Pop"}

{such a cutie}

{He's cheesin' ; She was eating a snack in the pool}

Then we have also had some park fun this summer. One week in particular, we ate picnic lunch at two different parks twice and had a Cheser Frost "beach" picnic day, too. Ansley scales the parks almost as well as her brother.

And Garyn is always helpful with her....
{Monkey friends!}

The best trip to the parks was the four of us going to Vandergriff one day. Tyler makes me laugh everyday and that day was no exception! He started playing with Garyn and proceeded to crawl through a tunnel in which he got a little stuck. It was hilarious seeing him trying to get out and him making comments about it not being made for "fat guys" as he was referring to himself. I kept saying "Honey, you aren't fat its just that its for kids not big men" then he would say that I was saying he's on and so on. Then as they moved to another area and Tyler climbed right on up with Garyn, Garyn commented, "Daddy, I hope you fit on this slide!" Oh....My! from the mouth of babes! It was one of those moments were I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard!
{Big kid at heart :) }

Then we had a picnic and play day at Coolidge with my old Big Much boss and coworker. I had not seen Shelley since closing the store and it was great to catch up! Haylee and I see each other from time to time and she has a little girl just a couple months younger than Ansley. We rode the carousel, played in the fountains and ate lunch.

{Carousel Ride}
{She was not scared one bit and was everywhere!}

Another playdate with some of the same friends from above and some old friends we hadn't played with in awhile....

{Silly Brayden!}
{They even had a bouncy thing! Great hosts!}

{Lunch time: I must say Ansley ate from everyones lunch at this table!}

Here are some other just random things we have done so far....

Tyler and I went to Riverbend on the family/Christian night.

{Chris Tomlin was awesome!}

{I was given some green beans by my uncle and kids helped me break them to freeze}

{My neice Lorna came and stayed a couple nights}

{Goofy faces!}

{Pretty girls!}

She really helped me a lot because it was right before we had our open house so she entertained the kids while I cleaned.

{She follows suit :) }

And last but not least.....Garyn swallowed a quarter about 3 weeks ago. We were at my dad's house visiting my aunt who was in town and he was playing with my dad's jar of change. My dad was watching Ansley close to keep her from putting them in her mouth only to turn around and see Garyn laying on his back in the floor with a quarter in his mouth. He started yelling for him to spit it out and get up and in that commotion Garyn swallowed it. He was hysterically crying from the commotion and I guess cause it hurt. I could feel him belching some but it was already too far gone. After a week of checking his poop with no success, the doc did an xray.....
And there it was in his intestines! He is/ was his own piggy bank! We aren't totally sure it has passed, but guessing by now it has. We stopped checking because it was just a lot of work, as you could imagine. The doc said not to worry about it because he has seen kids pass worse. We have only had one night of cramping and complaining of belly aches. Otherwise, he hasn't been bothered. Would have never thought my child would swallow a quarter!

Hope you all are enjoying your summer! Sorry for the bombardment of photos!



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