I can't help but think of all the wonderful memories we have made while on our mission....
Eating more little debbies than I have ate in the last 3 years put together

Garyn busting his eye
Singing "Lil' Sally Walker" with our crazy dances
Getting to know the Malones' family while riding in the back of the their van

Tyler and the guys sliding in the mud/rain

Seeing all the teen boys love on Garyn, Max, Joley, Ella, and Jon Ryan
Russ swinging a real decapitated snake around us wimpy girls
Su Mai trampling all over Ms. Betty and Ms. Evie while bringing smiles to our eyes at the same time

Garyn getting in the mud no more than 3 hours after arrival
Late night and early morning walks to the bath house
Our small pop-up camper shaking vigouriously at our slighest movement....especially Tyler's
Davina and I talking while keeping kids
The 5 little ones playing together and learning each other's names.....will never
have just that 5 together again, most likely
Russ, Tyler and the teenagers swimming and jumping off the ice berg

Making smores and eating more than I ever have in my life
Singing "Toe-knee-chest-nut" and "Boom-chicka-boom"

Watching our camper kids gain our trust and acknowledge our love for them

So you may not understand all of these memories, but man I could give you an earful if I explained everyone.........

On the way home Garyn slept A LOT and we made Kent a Thank you card. We heard he was petrified of chewed gum so..........

I will always cherish everyone on the trip. I loved getting to know everyone better, and we will always have this connection.

We finished the trip off with a bang, Friday went well and ended with a majority of the parents/grandparents staying for our party. We had a small devotion, hamburgers and hotdogs, sang some songs, and showed off all the kids great art work from the week. We are pretty sure some of the family's are going to go to Centerpointe church to visit sometime.

On the way home Garyn slept A LOT and we made Kent a Thank you card. We heard he was petrified of chewed gum so..........

Garyn is adjusting back to life indoors and playing by himself. When we were coming home yesterday, I was telling him how we were going to see Nana and Poppa, and he said "Joley" "Max".........poor guy misses his playmates.
I can't wait to spend more time with our new found friends and our friends/family we missed on the trip.
Now its time for laundry and the real life. This week we will be going to church and helping with our own VBS. Can't seem to get enough rest today....We are so tired!
The trip has ended.....but the memories will not ever go away!