Here is how January played out:
Do something with some friends or family that we don't normal see much, i.e. game night or dinner out
Completed this!! Yea! We had a 4 couples over and their children cause Garyn needed a play date, too! We played cranium which is awesome; we will be planning another one soon!
Plan more girls luncheons for Sunday school
Complete!! Planned and attended 2, one lunch and one dinner....great fellowship!
Be better about dates with Tyler, just the two of us, we tend to just bring Garyn so that we don't have to worry about a babysitter
Completed! We went to 2 movies in one day!! Afterwards we went and ate. I would like to try twice a month but once is a start
Start scrap booking again, I am so behind & there is a monthly group at church that I think I am going to start going to!
Paint Garyn's calender set he made at Home Depot with him, will tell more about this later
Completed both of these! The calender I posted on & the scrapbooking I started just this past weekend! I didn't make it to the church group but am still going to try and check it out this month! I loved getting 3, yes only 3, pages done and having a plan for finishing all of our summer activities soon!
Finish taking down Christmas decorations, been procrastinating, I know Completed: Just took down the Christmas cards today, I just couldn't stand to throw them away so I have come up with an idea that I will share soon.
Paint bedroom Uncompleted: I was informed by Tyler that it was really too cold to do any painting. I thought it wouldn't matter since its in the house, but I didn't put up a fight and will do this another month
Paint/stain kitchen cabinet door (left over from this)Uncompleted: same reason as above
Clean-up basement, in some way, not trying to overwhelm myself here Half done: I did some usual maintenance cleaning, like sweeping mopping, but nothing like I wanted to..:(
cook a meal at least 3x a week Complete! It was not a hefty goal but if you know us, it was more than we do normally. I didn't cook as many different or new things as I would like though.
do a freezer day Uncompleted. I will do one in February!
do something fitness-ish at least once a week, i.e. Wii Fit, stationary bike; gotta start somewhere
I just can't even lie and say I did it once a week! I might have played Wii a couple times but never broke a sweat, however, Tyler has been working out and I have been very supportive! Does that count?The boys playing at our game night. We had 6 boys between 20 mos and 4 1/2! Talk about a rowdy crew!
Overall I felt pretty good about what I accomplished and felt driven to complete them so that I could blog about what was done!
February Goals...
Another game night!
2 dates with Tyler that are semi-planned, including Valentine's weekend
Eat with a couple that I have not seen or done something with in a long time
Finish the summer scrapbook that was started in January
Label Garyn's toy bins, finally
Do coasters from wedding shower, yes wedding shower! blog post to follow
Work downstairs getting items ready for consignment sale
Cleaning (new):
Do one deep clean each week~ I began this in the middle of the month of January & includes: cleaning out the fridge, cleaning out under the couches/beds, straightening our clothes closets...
Continue to cook 3x a week and do one new recipe each week
Do a freezer day!! I will accomplish this!
Workout one day a week at least!!!
Eat at least 2 veggies a day, this is for the whole family! Tall order for Tyler
I must say I had a lot of fun in January being intentional with my time. I spent a lot more time with friends and family that I don't usually plan time with. I also got focused on family time/traditions with Tyler and Garyn. It is exciting to be productive and enjoy it!
I have also been more intentional with God which is most important! I have been better about praying for others and making it a priority to follow God's will for me in all of my daily goals. One family that has been heavy on my heart and inspired me so much is some friends of ours in Knoxville. Their little baby Ansley was born with microcephaly and was given a grim prognosis based on medical standards. Through prayer & God's grace, she has amazed doctors. Please read her story and let yourself be amazed as well.....
February here I come....
You accomplished so much in January!! Whoo hoo!! :)